My Entrepreneur Experience

profile Technology is the new magic of the stories.🔮 Create things out of nowhere, being able to create robotics, medicines, essays and now even music, novels or whatever we can possibly think. Technology inspired me in 2014 when I joined my first job at the streaming company Ibero Live 📹.

The start of my entrepreneurship 👾

Worked in Ibero Live for over a year with amazing people who taught me how easy it was to reach technology, specifically, in this case, web design and streaming. Being in Mexico studying a career in Communications, I thought technology was not my path since I consider myself a very creative, subjective and communication-focused person 🙌🏼. My first mentor then taught me about digital marketing and the importance of personal branding, teaching me how to stand out, I was hooked.

In 2015, I decided to start my startup with a coworker, we called it DevBranding, joining our university’s incubator for small companies for a period of 6 months 🐣. DevBranding main focus was to support entrepreneurs like us, who had no technical skills, to create personal branding online. We created videos and a platform where we would upload content on how to create personal branding, but we still needed to attract people in the real world.

Open Hack Nights 👩🏻‍💻 profile

I’ve always considered myself a community person, a leader, someone destined to guide people to make the best of themselves, pretty much a people helper 🤝, so we decided to start a community of entrepreneurs, following the guide of Fuck Up Nights, Epic Queen and other startups based in networking. What was different with us? Open Hack would be Open to everyone, allowing 5 people on a first-come, first-serve to give a presentation about their startup 🦾, project 📚 or just an idea 💡 they thought would be good. Hence, the rest of the community gives feedback and opinions or shows interest in joining the project if possible 👔.

We did Open Hack Nights as a first step for every entrepreneur to show up and join the community, hosting most of the events in different universities in Puebla City who would join and invite their students to present their ideas, do some networking and chill with pizza 🍕 and drinks. We kept it going for almost three years, from 2015 to 2017, expanding to 3 different cities in Mexico and having more than 500 people in our community 📣.

Evolution of DevBranding to Setih ❮ ❯ profile

During the process of establishing our startup, we got the support of a mentor who was part of an education startup that was part of YCombinator in Silicon Valley; the startup Platzi was the pioneer of coding education for Latin America, offering courses to learn back-end, front-end and digital marketing in Spanish online. We were very lucky. I even provided several talks on the platform about personal branding, and one of the advice of our mentors was, “it all starts with the name”. We decided to change the vision of DevBranding to provide more support in the coding process, and with that, we decided to change our name to Setih.

Raising the top profile

Managed to present at national events, organised a TEDx with my university and started developing my skills in marketing and design. 2016, I was invited to YC Women’s Day in Silicon Valley. Setih was demanding time and attention, which made it difficult to perform as expected in my studies. We were still a team of 2, and my partner was offered a full scholarship to study at one of the best universities in Mexico, a great opportunity I decided to take. We started focusing more on our studies since I was in my last year, and my partner moved to a different city and was starting his studies.

After a year, in 2017, we realised that it was impossible for us to continue with the startup since our visions were changing about what we wanted to do with Setih.

How to close a startup

Setih was the most important project I ever worked on, not just as building a community, creating a service, managing stakeholders and learning everything about a business, but also how to communicate and make hard decisions with your team. I decided to leave Setih cause there were new projects that did not align with my goals.

Being an entrepreneur is having nights without sleep, building a dream, having hope and working as hard as you can to make a change for good. I absolutely loved building our community and supporting people to connect and advise them on taking those first steps.

I decided to focus on finishing my degree and was very proud of myself for making it happen. I believe it was an experience that made me grow so much as a person and as a professional; maybe not all entrepreneurship is meant to be successful, but I’ll never say that I didn’t try it because I was scared of failure. profile